group work

“A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea. For millions of years, human beings have been part of one tribe or another. A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate.”
— Seth Godin

I love leading groups, because I get to show them that we are more alike than different.

You know how it is when you are around certain people… they kill your vibe..!

You either start thinking you are the problem or you blame them and say they are the problem.

What if there was no problem? What if you just haven’t found your tribe yet?

We are wired to connect with others, for most of human history if we didn’t have a tribe, our life would be under threat

That’s why its important to move your attention from people who kill your dreams to the people who encourage you to dream bigger. 

I run both one off and ongoing group programs.

I know in my heart that I was born to lead, it runs through my blood. It’s funny because social anxiety and rejection was my biggest fear for 30 years.  Fears mask desires… I love socialising, when its with my kind of people

Here’s two ways to have a group experience with me:

  1. If you want to join one of MY group events then get in touch.
  2. If you want me up to support YOUR group/team as external faculty/guest then get in touch
WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT group work with me
"A deep dive in my ‘being’. Not often I make time and space to reflect and grow, so this was the ultimate gift for my growth I gave myself. Being guided during the journey by Raj made this scarce time we’ll spent and a well needed spin on the wheel of life. Also the whole group felt like family, probably because of the safe space that was created (and awesome people of course)"

ceo and art director

I had never been involved in anything like this before. When Raj contacted me with this proposal, I immediately said yes as I knew that it would be a once in a lifetime experience. I was surprised and impressed by the cohesiveness of the group and everyone was fully engaging. Even though we were all different, we had very many similarities which enabled our connection to each other. As a result, I can confidently say lifetime friendships have been made from this experience. We were challenged and pushed to reach our full capabilities all in a very open and safe environment. Even though Raj facilitated the sessions, I have learned and gained insight from every single participant. I personally went through a rollercoaster of emotions but in the end, I left the session feeling very hopeful about my future prospect and for that Raj, I can't thank you enough for this experience.
