Whenever I talk about connecting to the heart/intuition/wise self, I receive questions are how to do it. Most people say that their mind is so stressed and anxious that they don’t even know what they really want, or what their heart even means
I get it, i would have laughed if anyone said to me “connect with your heart Raj!”
I thought it was only something that women understood, because all i connected with was the anxious feeling in my heart, the pounding heart beat, the stress, the confusion.
What the hell is connecting with your heart, the physical organ? or what?
I was riddled by thoughts and attached to them, which i now have the wisdom to realise is a part of which i called “the intellect”. You can also call it the analytical mind, thinking mode, doing mode, fearful, survival mode, animal mode. Whatever suits you.
Its funny that all of the personal development books will shame this part of our minds and call it horrible names like “parasite”, or “devil”. I would have called it the same thing, but i realise now that if i judge or try to avoid any part of myself, i am at war with myself, and i lose.
What Changed?
Through the path of yoga i was able to slow down my mind and balance out my mode of operating. When i say balance out i mean that i was constantly in thinking mode, living in fight or flight. There is another mode which i didn’t realise existed — “the being mode”
The being mode is not watching TV and eating to feel better! That’s distraction mode, that’s numbing mode. The being mode is listening to the thoughts, listening to the feelings, noticing the body, and watching oneself as an observer.
In-fact — you are observing your behaviours and realising that you are not these behaviours, they are just things which are occurring, like how your foot hurts when you bash it against a door. The thoughts are just bashing against each other.
We as a society have become really good at observing our own bodies and being able to distinguish between our hair and us.
We don’t say hey my hair is ruining my day, hey my hair is why i am not successful in life. We don’t do the same with our mind — (thoughts and emotions).
This has been the biggest game changer for me. I now realise that my body and my mind are just a part of me, they are not me, like my hair. Some days my hair is messy, some days its not, i don’t sit there saying “hey RAJ , you are a messy person on the inside because your hair is messy”
But if we have thoughts of “you messed up that project”, we will say “you are messed up, you as a person!”
I am not saying its easy, our minds feel closer than our hair, but you get what i mean right? Yogic techniques have allowed me to do this, meditation, breathing, energy practices, increasing my consciousness.
From a high peak of a mountain you can see the bigger picture, when you are on the field your view is limited. Consciousness is exactly the same. Elevate, and you elevate beyond your mind, you see the bigger whole
Your Mind is like a Crowd of People

When you are in the mind level of consciousness its like being out of your depths and unhappy to be in a crowd of people, there’s just constant noise, no space for even a moment of peace. Its loud, sweaty, and people all up in your face!!
Our minds have racing thoughts, as if we were every single one of those people, hearing voices shouting at us and hurting our ears!!
The Quiet Voice
When i was going through my process of spiritual growth, i became aware of this other voice, it was smooth, effortless and warm. It felt like there was no resistance and just pure love and truth.
I wondered what it was, it was calling me for months, i just could not tune into its frequency. Imagine having one of those old school radios and you have to turn the knob to find the station, I kept hearing fuzzy glimmers of this voice.
After a while i began to realise what this voice was, it was the real me, the truth, the wonder I had as a kid, the bliss of human life, the energy which created everything, and which keeps me alive beyond and including the physical.
Imagine a tiny flame being lit in the inside of your stomach, that’s what this is. Can you find it?
This voice can be called intuition, love, insight, wisdom, truth, peace, consciousness, god, divinity, flow, whatever the hell you want to call it!

The Challenge
We cannot easily find this voice and become it, that is the challenge. Its hidden amongst that crowd, shouting voices all around you, its no surprise you cannot tune in.
Its like trying to balance a ball on your head whilst being pushed by a gang of 6 Foot rugby players!
The mind is trying to draw you in and it always wins in terms of volume, and it is nobody’s fault, its nobody’s responsibility but your own. Yes you, nobody else’s can bring you peace, you must create it.
You cannot blame people around you, that’s victim mode, you must create your life, its on you!
The image which came to my mind when i was on my path was always a little child in a yellow hooded jacket who was amongst this crowd of loud voices.
I always pictured the entire room as dark, and the loud voices as black shadows. It was like i had an inner compass which was navigating me through the crowd, pushing them all out of the way until finally i found the child in the middle.
Shining bright in yellow colours, and that was when i began to find peace. It opened a massive door from that point onwards.
We must quieten the noise around us and tap into presence to be able to find this voice.
The only way you can do it is by becoming in touch with the being mode. Doing mode doesn’t work here, you cannot compute your way towards this!! that will take you further away from it
Slow down…. feel into yourself, and realise you are not the loud voices, they are just things occurring around you, they are just patterns like the clouds in the sky, the weather, and your hunger. Coming and going.
The one who is always there is you, and the sooner you find space, the sooner you will be able to tap into it.
The more you tap into your truth, the heart, the intuition, the more aliveness, calm, focus and success you will tap into. This isn’t about relaxing, its about being more powerful on the inside and living a maximum life.
Would you pick up 1 jigsaw piece and say you’ve completed a puzzle? No.
That’s what the mind is doing, its assuming facts with one piece. When you drop the mind, all of the pieces come to you without trying. That’s intelligence, that’s insight.
I will leave you 2 questions:
- What’s one thing which is keeping you from accessing the being mode?
- What are you going to do about it?
Loving the being in you, Raj
Lets Connect
If you got something from this article, write to me and tell me what was 1 insight you had. And if you want to take it a step further, what is 1 tiny action that you will take?
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