Embracing the Welcoming Change

I wrote this to myself in my morning of the 27th September 2021 and felt it might be useful for you to read. Change can create automatic patterns of thoughts, but they don’t mean anything, in fact if you look closely you’ll find the true gift.

I have this sense of doom looming over me as I enter into the October period, the skies are darker and my mind is darker, I drain myself trying to figure out why.

Is it simple tiredness from a busy month? Well hell yeah.

Is it the psychological mind which has felt this way for as long as i can remember? Well hell yeah.

Does this really matter? Well hell no. (Shift occurs)

I am illuminated in every weather, i must stop trying to change myself. I must stop trying to change myself or figure things out, nothing needs to be figured out, only being in this moment must happen.

Its the thoughtmares combined with the tiredness and weather which is the pain, infact i love the dark as its a time to slow down and get out of the illusion of sunshine. Its time to cherish the sunshine and praise the change, for no good thing exists, only by comparison.

Let the glory of darkness send me into the pain of reflecting as the end of the year nears. Each year i feel this end of November urge to fly away, let that be, i don’t need to fly away, I am flying. I have been flying since January, i have been flying forever, I just didn’t allow myself to see it.

Celebrate all that’s occurred, let the signal lights switch on, because without these signals I could be stuck in a never ending loop of illusion of same same. Thank you signals of my inner guardians.

Change is happening all the time, feel it, celebrate it and love the opportunity to ride on a rollercoaster every so often.

Because a flatline only occurs when we are dead, our own heart is a rollercoaster, our cycle digestion and sleep is a rollercoaster, our thoughts and emotions are for sure a rollercoaster, so lets ride it.

A flat line only occurs when we are dead.

Questions to consider

  • What changes are occurring in your world?
  • What’s the impact of these changes?
  • What if these changes were useful?

Drop me a comment below or private message me. Would love to hear what you got from this. In return I will send you a resource that will help you to find more answers

Love, Raj

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