Being Grateful for Every Change, Every Moment of Existence. How? The Enabler is Present Awareness
I had so much joy travelling, and every so often I connect back to that joy. I had some hard times and some amazing times, but if i was to reflect… the hard times only existed in my head. Anytime I reminded myself of pure being, I am back in connection with presence, with mother nature, with everything around me and everything beyond the physical.
I am nothing but what my thoughts tell me, but I have trained myself so well that I now can control them and get them to reality and pure being once again. Today I am again reminded back of the feeling of pure presence and being, I am back to this state of reality that I was in during travels. I was amazed by simple things, amazed by things like I was stoned, of course I was seeing some cool things all day long, but even being on a bus and seeing just acres of land, that amazed me so much too. Being with mother nature itself, land, seasons, colors, sounds — that is what amazed me most
I was most happy on a bus and I never really wanted to sleep, I enjoyed seeing the change of scenery, which was constantly happening around me, it was so interesting. Even in cities, it was so fun to see people living, like a permanent movie, I was just one with life. Every moment was changing, and i was hyper presence and gratitude to every change, to every variety of sense awareness, to every feeling it gave me, and with myself for giving this gift of a trip to myself.
Nobody made this happen but me, doubts piled up and tried to stop me, but i got through it and i was there…. Like a kid whos first ridden a bike saying “im doing it…. look”
I loved all of the things I was doing during travels, but the act of actually moving from one town to another, one country to another, there was just this high and enjoyment of movement and change which was so thrilling.
I have always been someone who enjoys change, it doesn’t have to be always new either, new is always more exciting of course, but the transition, movement of life, feelings, both uncomfortable and comfortable…. this is what really made me feel alive
Even before my travels back in the UK, I would love seeing the scenery change around me, a friend said to me “Raj its like you’ve never left the city you are so excited by this journey”. He was right — I just loved going on adventures. I guess the word adventure sums up everything I’m talking about right now, being on a mission, living, doing something I chose to do and following the flow of life, and also being grateful for something which isn’t my doing at all, nature, being-ness, life.
Back to the present — I write this at 10am Sunday — with huge inspiration as it is snowing in this moment.
So that’s why I’m reminded of these feelings so much more, I don’t think I’ve experienced snow since I’ve been back from travels, and I feel like a kid does. The nephews are so excited and they cant stop saying “WaaaoooW” as they gaze endlessly through the window.
I find as adults its so easy to go into this mode of being used to something, therefore not being excited by it or being a little excited but then working out what may happen after, slippery roads, consequences, “cough…killjoy!”
This analysing and predicting mode is the reason why a lot of mental health challenges exist, so how about we drop it in this moment and just BE, and just find that inner smile. Weather is a blessing which is like no other, one which we cannot control! To have snow is not a common occurrence round here, so it’s to be celebrated
Mother nature provides certain things for a reason, its beating the odds and its happening like its meant to happen. But it also reminds me of how I forget about what is always there, sun, rain, gloomy skies ,they are to be loved too. Seeing snow allows for gratitude for the things which are always there.
The same lesson can be applied across life, enjoying the new and exciting, enjoying the things which are always there like they are brand new again and enjoying the transition between the two. The feeling of change, the feeling of difference, this is when life is truly enjoyable because then we become an extension of the way the world works. This creates space in the mind, free from analysis , predictions and conclusions, which can cause so much harm at times.
There is an expression in Taoism called “wu-wei”, which simply means to act in the way of the Tao, to go with the flow of life, to enjoy the yin and yang, ups and downs, and to know that the down has to exist for the up to be cherished. Would anyone really enjoy a life where everything was easy and problemless? Where the weather never changes, where there is one temperature, where the same people are in your life and nobody else comes in, where your job doesn’t change, your mind doesn’t grow. To me this is stuckness, and it was a place i was in for a while, no wonder why i was bored with life!

What does change mean to you? What did you take from this piece of writing? Would love to continue this conversation in the comments section
As i said in my last post, i free write every morning from a meditated state, so i don’t think about what I’m writing, i just let my soul pound the keyboard in trance and see what it comes up with, this was the writing i created on Sunday 24th January. I write every morning as it allows me to process my feelings into the written word, then I edit it very briefly to cut out any spelling mistakes and direct it towards this audience (not so much on grammar or wording as you can see!)
I hope it helps.
Love, Raj
If you want to talk to me, go to the contact page
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