20/05/24 – Creating = Spirit in Action,  Liberation = Spirit in Silence

The active form of shakti is spirit moving. It’s powerful, it’s the nature is getting made, volcanos popping off, thoughts appearing, ideas generating, bodies functioning. It’s active, it’s moving

So creating is just spirit in action, vs mind in action

Mind in action is psychologically led, its fear led, its fear based actions, its calculated, smart.

It isn’t feeling good, it never has for me. Has it for you?

However, spirit in action, is intuitive, it’s the fire that moves, it’s relentless

It’s the sports player going for it. Moving, hitting the shots that count, potently, majestically.

It’s the dancer being in perfect sync with their bodies, being taken over, in the zone.

There is no way they can do that with calculation with head. We cannot make babies when we are in our head right? It works the same way for everything else.

So this tells me, spirit is the only way. Lifeforce, shakti, aliveness.

So my mission is to get people out of head actions, and into lifeforce actions

Cos spirit is lifeforce. It’s the perfectly optimised flow of this lifeforce, from inside (work on body fuel, emotional blocks, and any other blocks to flow) to outside, how the flow comes out, what we do with it.

The best fuel of a car is one which moves through clean pipes, and has optimised fuel technology.

And… And…. a clear driver, the best driver, the spirit driver, not the mind driver

So lifeforce is one thing, but who drives it, that’s the most powerful

Lifeforce with fear driven thoughts = fear actions, fear life

Lifeforce with spirit driven thoughts = greatest actions, creative life.

This is the key

So there is no need to just go inside and stay there, with spirit

The outside actions must also be a reflection of spirit.

The life must be.

This is a full expression of spirit. It’s when its all aligned.

This came to me as i was working on the shiva day of the week, and the 2nd power centre.

Realising, nothing is more enjoyable for me (2nd centre), than letting out spirit driven actions

And nothing is more horrible and tense (the opposite), than letting out mind driven actions

Those thoughts, they must be switched, driver switched. From fear, to freedom…. driving the car

That is my only mission, to make this switch for people

Cos then, it all changes.

And then i help them with actions, as a result of clear thinking

Different actions, because of different mode of thinking.

First though, we got to change drivers, we got to be operating out of lifeforce, spirit in action as a thinking process, a strategic shift, and then spirit in action as an active process.

Doing the things that express the spirit outwardly. There’s nothing more fulfilling than that. Farming fruit that is as tasty as can be, because it contains no impure additives to it.


Raj “Writing from the spirit” Gorsia

P.s – If you experience challenges around this topic, write to me immediately. Do not hesitate on the action, in the spirit of this article. I will show you what to do next. It takes willingness, that’s all, the rest will come.

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